Cambodia to launch new REC scheme to boost sustainability

Cambodia to launch new REC scheme to boost sustainability


A new renewable energy certificate (REC) system will soon be introduced to encourage the growth of renewable energy and support manufacturing factories through boosting competitiveness and enhancing market access of Cambodia’s manufacturing sector in the global market.

RECs represent proof that electricity was generated from renewable energy sources like solar or wind power and delivered to the grid.

The REC system provides a practical and transparent pathway for business to support Cambodia’s renewable energy transition while meeting the growing demand for sustainable practices in global markets, said Keo Rottanak, Minister of Mines and Energy.

Designed with transparency and accountability at its core, the system provides a credible mechanism for businesses to demonstrate the support for renewable energy, he said.

REC plays a vital role in Cambodia’s strategy to meet international environmental standards and help industries create low carbon traceable supply chains demanded by global markets, Rottanak said during a consultation workshop on the Preparation of Prakas on Renewable Energy Certificate REC Mechanism in Cambodia, held last week.

“In early 2025, manufacturing factories can apply for a Renewable Energy Certificate from Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) to increase market opportunities for their products in the global market,” the minister said.

To implement this electricity, EDC will manage a single buyer model that suits Cambodia current market conditions.

For full article, please read here


Reporter: Chea Vanyuth

Publication date: 31 December 2024

Source: Khmer Times