Financial Analysis and Investment Decision Making
EuroCham is organising a 2-day training course on Financial Analysis and Investment Decision Making on 18th & 19th March 2022 from 9:00 AM till 4:00 PM. Business performance is measured using financial statements. Management is expected to create value for the company. To create value, a good grasp of financial principles is absolutely essential. However, many non-financial managers do not fully grasp financial and accounting concepts. Value will not be optimised when this happens. In this workshop, you'll enhance your business acumen and skills in financial analysis. Our objective is that after the workshop, you'll be better at making business decisions, and able to develop your business and financial plans with greater clarity and skill. Event Details: Venue: FACTORY Phnom Penh 2-Day Training Day One: 18th March 2022 (Fri) Day Two: 19th March 2022 (Sat) Time: 9:00AM - 4:00PM (both days) Member price: $265 Non-member price: $315
Additional Information: Course Detail:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?
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